Therapeutic Exercise

woman exercising

Muscles and ligaments are important to the flexibility, balance and alignment of the spine and related joints. Exercises can play a major role in helping to establish better balance and support for faster healing and longer correction. Dr. Gore will suggest exercises and stretches to be done at home to help the healing progress.

Therapeutic exercises are specific exercises meant for correcting specific problems. Depending on the primary area of concern, Dr. Gore may give you a list of exercises to perform to reduce discomfort. The focus of therapeutic exercise is to regain flexibility, strength, and endurance related to specific physical problems.

Therapeutic exercise aims to improve, restore, and prevent loss of physical function. It can also improve a patient’s overall health, fitness, and sense of well­-being.

Additional objectives of Therapeutic exercise include:

  • Increasing mobility
  • Releasing contracted muscles, tendons, and fascia
  • Mobilizing joints
  • Improving circulation
  • Improving respiratory capacity
  • Improving coordination
  • Reducing rigidity
  • Improving balance

Therapeutic exercises are classified into three major categories:

  • Endurance training
  • Resistance training
  • Flexibility training

No matter what type of exercise is prescribed to remedy a patient’s specific condition, the final goal of rehabilitation is to acquire a maximum level of physical fitness, without the use of more invasive methods. Therapeutic exercise can be performed at home, and gives you the power to improve your quality of life.

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